
70 Dilde Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Televizyon Reklam Filmleri, Kurumsal Tanıtım Filmleri, Radyo Reklam Spotları, Radyo Jingle ve Dj Jingle Servisi, Kapalı Devre Radyo, Mağaza Radyo, Mağaza Anons ve Kesintisiz Muzik Yayıncılık Sistemleri, IVR Seslendirme, Santral Anons ve Santral Seslendirme, Siyasi Parti Reklam ve Secim Kampanyaları.

Seslendirme projeleriniz icin şu alt başlıklarda sizlere hizmet sunmaktayız, Reklam Seslendirme, Santral Seslendirme, Tanıtım Filmi Seslendirme, Mağaza Anons Seslendirme, Haber Seslendirme, Perfore Seslendirme, Jingle Seslendirme, Secim Seslendirme, Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Animasyon Seslendirme, E-Kitap Seslendirme, DJ Jingle Seslendirme, Tesis Anonsu Seslendirme, Sesli Mesaj Seslendirme, Medikal Seslendirme, Belgesel Seslendirme, Sponsorluk Seslendirme, IVR Seslendirme, Eğitim Filmi Seslendirme, Santral Anons Seslendirme. Temsil etitğimiz ve anlaşmalı olan seslendirme ekibimiz sanatcıları projelerinize hayat vermek icin sizleri bekliyor. En profesyonel yabancı dil seslendirme cozumlerine en uygun fiyatla sahip olmak istiyorsanız bize telefon, email veya canlı destek hattımız aracılığı ile ulaşmanız yeterli olacaktır.

Reklam Seslendirme Çalışmaları Kısa Sürede Teslim Edilir!

Reklam seslendirme çalışmasını gerçekleştirmek isteyen markalar, firmalar veya kişiler akıllarında olan fikirleri ya da yaratıcı bir düşünme sonunda elde ettiği sloganları hemen gerçeğe dönüştürerek bir reklam içinde duymak isterler. Bunun bilincinde olan firmamız en iyi şekilde değerlendirmelerini yapmak için radyo reklam seslendirme ve televizyon reklamlarını seslendirmede çok kısa sürede seslendirme çalışmasını tamamlayarak kayıtların teslim edilmesini sağlamaktadır. Son derece hızlı çıktı alınabilen teknik altyapımız sayesinde reklam seslendirmeye yönelik taleplerin bize gelmesinin ardından bir gün içerisinde seslendirmeyi teslim edebiliyoruz.

Çalışma şekli olarak firmamızın benimsediği yol öncelikle birebir görüşmelerle seslendirme hizmetinden neler beklendiğine yönelik olmaktadır. İki tarafın anlaşmalı şekilde seslendirme projesine ortak olmasından sonra reklamda seslendirilecek olan metinleri talep ediyor ve bir günlük süre içerisinde bu çalışmayı tamamlayarak sizlere dönüt verebiliyoruz. Sürekli olarak kullanılan reklam sloganlarınız veya seslendirme metinlerinizin mevcut olduğu durumlarda elektronik posta yerine sitemizi de kullanarak en hızlı şekilde bizlerle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Etkileyici Seslerle Televizyon Reklamlarında İlgi Çekin!

Televizyona yönelik olarak hazırlanan reklam filmleri ve tanıtımlarda daha çok görsel bir zemin üzerine bu reklamların hazırlanması söz konusu olduğu için pek çok kişi ses altyapısının nasıl hazırlanması gerektiğini arka planda bırakarak görsel odaklı bir etkileme yöntemini bulmaya gayret etmektedir. Oysa tv de en az radyo kadar seslendirmenin önemli olduğu bir alandır. Özellikle televizyon izleyicisinin çok farklı yönlerden uyarılarak reklamlardan etkilenmesini sağlamak için mutlaka televizyon reklam seslendirme çalışmalarında da profesyonel destek almak gerekiyor.


reklam seslendirme

  Parts for Sale

To sell your parts, email us at All parts will be listed for three months unless a renewal is requested. For questions/renewals contact



  • We repair 1984-1996 C4 Corvette Digital Cluster Instrument Panels and 1986-2004 Electronic HVAC components.
  • All service work is done in-house by Bryan A. Thompson, founder of the Corvette Electronics website,
  • This is not an exchange service - we return your repaired components back to you!
  • The speedometer / odometer tests may cause your odometer mileage to increase by a small amount. If you don't want this, let us know and we'll skip those tests.
    Removing the Components -
  • Removing the 84-89 Cluster: Click Here
  • The 1986-1989 Programmer is a small black box, about 6" x 6" x 2". It is located in the drivers side footwell, just above the gas pedal. Follow the colored vacuum lines to the programmer. The silicone block with the vac lines is held on with a push on keeper around bolt in the center of the vac lines. Unscrew that keeper with needlenose and then remove all vac lines as an assembly.
  • Removing the 90-96 Cluster: Click Here
  • Removing the 90-96 HVAC Programmer Module: Click Here
  • Removing the 90-96 HVAC Controller Module: Click Here
    Shipping to Us -
  • Print your name, return shipping address, email address, telephone number, model year, odometer reading and a brief description of the symptoms on a piece of paper taped to the cluster.
  • It is common for us to get components with four or five return addresses attached. People include a home address, a business card with work address, there will be a third address on the box that corresponds to the UPS store where it was shipped, and Paypal gives us a fourth address from ten years ago. We won't be able to return your cluster until we establish the actual address to return your shipment, so please explicitly tell us what the return  address is!
  • Make sure the instrument panel is surrounded by packing peanuts or bubble wrap at least two inches thick on every side. Newspaper, shredded paper, rigid styrofoam, and air bags by themselves don't provide adequate protection for the cluster. Don't ship in USPS Priority Flat Rate box - it doesn't allow for enough packing material! No, a dog blanket or Christmas tree skirt isn't good enough, either. Yes, we have seen all of these!
  • Ship the cluster to the address above, then email us and let us know that you've shipped a cluster to us for service.
  • Please don't ship to us via Fedex. Fedex in my town is completely unable to deliver a package to us!
    The Repair Process -
  • We offer a free, no-obligation diagnostic service.
  • When your cluster arrives, we will diagnose it, email a repair total, and wait for your approval before doing any work. This typically takes 1-2 business days from the time we receive the cluster.
  • If you approve the work, it typically takes 1-2 business days to complete. If not, there's no charge other than return shipping.
  • When we have completed the repairs, we will run tests and then email you with photos of your repaired cluster. This won't happen if we don't have an email address for you.
  • When we have completed the repairs, we will send photos of the working panel if you provided an invoice, and we will send an invoice through our credit card processor, Paypal, to the email address you provide. No Paypal account is required, and this invoice can be paid online securely.
  • It is common for us to get components with four or five return addresses attached. People include a home address, a business card with work address, there will be a third address on the box that corresponds to the UPS store where it was shipped, and Paypal gives us a fourth address from ten years ago. We won't be able to return your cluster until we establish the actual address to return your shipment, so please include that!
  • If you pay for the repairs with Paypal, please make sure they have your current address information. They provide that information to us, and we print shipping labels from the info they provide. We are forced by their policies to ship to the address they provide to us, so please make sure it's the correct address!
  • When we print the shipping label for your components, the system will notify you of the tracking info. This won't happen if we don't have an email address for you, or if your email provider flags Paypal as Spam.
    Payment - 
  • We accept credit cards, Paypal, and US Postal Service Money Orders as forms of payment. E-checks, personal checks and non-US Postal Service Money Orders usually take weeks to clear, and delay the return of your repaired components.
  • Customer is responsible for actual return shipping charges (typically what you paid to ship the component to us)
  • It is the responsibility of the customer to file shipping damage claims. will provide documentation and logistical support upon request.
    Parts Orders -
  • We ship all in-stock parts orders within one business day.
  • We will gladly replace defective bulbs within the first 30 days after the sale.
  • In the unlikely event that an item you order is out of stock, we will contact you and let you decide how to proceed.
  • We offer free online installation instructions and videos. These are linked from the product sale page, and are printed on the label on the product package. If you have questions, feel free to email us.
  • If you purchase with Paypal, please make sure they have your current address information. They provide that information to us, and we print shipping labels from the info they provide. We are forced by their policies to ship to the address they provide to us, so please make sure it's the correct address!
  • Shipping prices listed and free shipping offers apply to US customers only.
  • When we ship, the shipping label printing system will email the tracking information to you. This won't happen if we don't have a correct email address, or if your email provider flags Paypal addresses as Spam.
    International Customers -
  • We love our international customers, and routinely ship parts and repairs internationally.
  • We can't return your calls. It costs us over $4 a minute to make these calls! Please email or call us during our business hours and we'll be glad to help.
  • See our eBay auctions - The Global Shipping program is excellent!
    Warranty - 
  • The repair service includes a one year parts/labor warranty on all new parts sold and installed by, and a 90 day parts/labor warranty on all used components sold and installed by
  • Above all, exists to serve you. If we sold you a part that didn't solve your problem, or if you're still having problems after having a component repaired, please email and give us the opportunity to resolve the issue.
    Returns - 
  • Like every parts store in the world, installed components, electronic modules, LCDs and any non-stock or special order components are not returnable.
  • Above all, exists to serve you. If we sold you a part that didn't solve your problem, or if you're still having problems after having a component repaired, please email and give us the opportunity to resolve the issue.
    Contact Us
    Customer Service (573) 578-9590 or email
    Tech Support (573) 578-8189 or email
    Shipping Address: Repair, 608 Newcastle Dr, Rolla, MO  65401
Posted in: Merchandise
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The classifieds are open to anyone selling ZR-1 Corvettes, Corvette related parts, pictures, collectibles, etc. The ZR-1 Net Registry is not responsible for any mis-pricing or and offers no guarantees on items purchased from this site. 

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